I am still working on my series "Designers of Their Time" series.  I have a few 
1896 fashion plates. I can't find information about two of the European 
designers.  Would you all please check your books and see if you have them 
listed.  I am trying to find out when they were in business.  Below is the 
information that I have:

1. Emilia Bossi, Florence, Italy.
Furnishes Their Majesties the Queens of Italy, Servia, and Wurtemburg.
I found a webpage of an exhibit of one gown from 1882.  Nothing else was 

2. Jules Bister, Berlin.
Furnishes to Her Majesty and the Princess of the Royal and Imperial Family of 

I have searched google and have come up with very little.
Penny E. Ladnier
The Costume Gallery, www.costumegallery.com
Costume Classroom, www.costumeclassroom.com
Costume Research Library, www.costumelibrary.com
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