I received my United Airlines newsletter today. If anyone would like for me to forward it to you, please contact me privately.

Carol, you are correct, it is British Midlands. The stewarts were so nice to me and helped carry my bags. They also feed you all the way to England and back. Tickets to England and back from Washington DC, generally go in the $600 to $800 range during peak season and if you purchase them a month or so in advance. Within the past year we have purchased three round trip tickets and the price was around upper $400 to lower $500s. The last one we purchased was in March before the airlines raised rates for gas prices.

When I was in London, my very favorite place was St. Paul's Catheral. The artwork is beautiful! I also loved our day trip to the Bath Costume Museum. I was very impressed with their costume displays. I wasn't impressed with the permanent V&A costume exhibit... to much high fashion. The storage and textiles areas were closed when I was there. I loved the crown jewels at the Tower of London. I could have stayed there all day staring, if they would have let me. I am not a big jewelry fan, but these jewelry exhibits that I mentioned today and yesterday were just breathtaking.

Susan, my asst. told me that there is a hand-fan museum in London. She tried to find it on her trip to England but was unsuccessful. Maybe some of our London list members can give better directions to the museum and if they have been there, provide a review of the collection. Is it worth finding.

If anyone is going to Liverpool, I can suggest a couple of must-see places there. One day I will get my photos online from that trip. Currently I am putting online antebellum homes from the Mississippi Gulf Coast. Maybe I'll get to the Liverpool/Wales photos after the Back-to-School/Halloween rush season.

Penny E. Ladnier
The Costume Gallery, www.costumegallery.com
Costume Classroom, www.costumeclassroom.com
Costume Research Library, www.costumelibrary.com

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