I agree, but I think we should wait a month or so until these
communities get back on their feet and have places to live, let alone
start a stash of fabric and such.

Penny, I hope you hear from all your family very soon and that they
are all well. Our check
to the Red Cross has already been sent and PLEASE let your friends on
h-costume know what we can do for you and your community.

My brother-in-law, his wife and their brand new baby got out of Biloxi
Sunday morning and stayed about 300 miles away. He too works at the
Grand Casino; he's the lead male singer in the show. The company has
kindly let all the show people out of their contracts so that they can
collect unemployment for the months that it will take to repair the
casino, and without prejudice so that they can reapply for contracts
elsewhere or at a later date. I think that's wonderful for a large
company to think of their employees this well. I hope they have
treated all their employees the same way. My B-i-L is going to try
today to get back into their flooded apartment, blessedly still in one
piece, and see if there's anything to salvage. Then they're coming
home to California. This was the second time he'd had to evacuate in
the three months they'd been there, and it's just too much for them.
They hadn't been there long enough to grow to love it although they
really liked living in Biloxi.

Your family is in my thoughts,

> Penny,
> I love the idea of helping with rebuilding stashes and such.  May I send some 
> as well?
> >
> > Oh  Penny, My prayers are to you and all of your family.
> >
> >
> >
> > Mia in Charlotte, NC
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------

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