Somehow I can't imagine most Goths, as I know them, sitting down doing anything as domesticated and constructive as making clothes. Making jewellery, possibly embellishing clothes, yes, but actual dressmaking? You can build up a pretty wide wardrobe by just buying things that are available in black, and while they might take a bit more searching out in smaller places, in Edinburgh there are plenty of shops where you can buy the crushed velvet dresses and other "specialist items".


Lavolta Press <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
I'd agree with your definition, except that I associate the term "fiber art" with textile arts other than sewing. Whereas, to me "wearable art" covers sewing, weaving, spinning, knitting, crochet, embroidery, the whole spectrum. Oh, except a hanging or sculpture is fiber art, but not wearable. As for Goths, who I supect may be a rather large DIY crowd, I've never been tempted to become one because, as far as I can tell from the historic costumers I know who are also Goths, they hang out in clubs and listen to modern music. I can't stand modern music. Also, I look awful in black. But some of the ideas on the net I've seen are really creative. The Gothic Lolitas seem far too sweet and innocent to be real Goths though. While, as far as I know, none of my passing Goth acquaintances actually drink blood, they seem pretty sophisticated.

Lavolta Press

What I call wearable art and what Michael's craft stores call wearable art are rather different. They call things like craft-decorated t-shirts by that name, when they're selling supplies for making same. I have a little more highbrow definition, and would go with the more avant guarde and arty look. Upscale art and wine festivals have more what I would call wearable art. I also call it fiber art, which the craft stores pretty much don't.

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