I should clarify and say that certainly scientific researchers disagree, agree, and argue with each other. But as far as I know, _this should be tied to personal relationships or social status_. Researchers are supposed to emotionally distance themselves from such things as well as they possibly can.

It's one thing if someone says, "I disagree with you because I and others have found significantly different things than you have, and here they are." It's another thing if someone says, "I disagree with you because you're not in my crowd and I don't like you." It's also another thing if someone says, "Prove yourself to me, I'm waiting. And I'll push you to the wall with question after question." Generally, someone who wants to prove a scientific theory wrong, has to provide some evidence to the contrary himself or herself.
Lavolta Press

Lavolta Press wrote:

But for social status reasons? Not because, "All research to this point has shown that . . . " Or "I agree with Smith but that's because [advancing arguments]?


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