Wow, just a few days and my inbox is overflowing.
Three day weekend meant I wasn't able to get online
very much, but finally got through the discussions on
various topics - all interesting and educational, or
at least entertaining. ;-)

Most of the comments and observances I had have
already been made by others, however...

SCA - from my limited esperience the SCA has evolved
over time. There seem to be a larger percentage of
folks interested in historical accuracy than 20 years
ago. It seems that the parameters have changed as well
- when I first encountered the SCA it was
predominantly Western European based. Now I hear that
any culture within the 600 to 1600 period that had
some type of contact with Western Europe is
acceptable, which explains the wide variety of garb.

An excerpt from an SCA article states, "...describe
the SCA as recreating the Middle Ages "as they ought
to have been." ....A better description is that we
selectively recreate medieval culture, choosing
elements of the culture that interest and attract us."

And as Lilinah said, many events are open to the
public. An attempt to dress 'period' by visitors and
newcomers is appreciated and basic loaner garb is
provided. I took my niece to an event a couple of
weekends ago, and we found a wonderful "T" tunic type
dress for her to borrow that was quite accurate. (Was
also pleased that the little tom-boy commented the
dress was really comfortable!)

Hippies - 40 years old is an ageing hippie?! Anyone 40
is a little too young to be classified as an original
unless their parents were. - let alone be classified
as an ageing anything! ;-D

Most folks strive to establish their own identity by
living outside the mainstream in one way or another.
Some are just more extreme than others - and as
another person commented, things no longer shock as
they once did since we have become accustomed to

That being said, when I see some of the "retro"
fashions that have been popular the last few years I
usually find myself, that was horrible
when we wore it the first time around! (re: polyester;
bellbottom hip-huggers; acid green anything; extremely
bright, lid to eyebrow eyeshadow; disco music;

Anyway - glad to be back and love finding all the
resources mentioned.

Annette M

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