On Friday 23 September 2005 4:31 pm, Gail & Scott Finke wrote:
> This is not true in Europe, or at least it wasn't 10 years ago when I wrote
> an article about Benneton for a retail magazine. The company had opened US
> stores, but they failed miserably. They were trying to redo the stores, and
> the person in charge told me that the company had misunderstood the
> American market. Benneton sweaters, she told me, were considered
> middle-priced clothing in Europe, while here they were considered expensive
> (they were about $80 on sale then). The company was not geared to a "wear
> it for a year or two and get rid of it" mentality. They expected people to
> keep their Benneton clothes for a long time.
> She also explained that Benneton did not have any ladies' dress jackets,
> and that this was a staple of American women's work wardrobes (dress
> blouse, dress skirts, and dress jackets, all of them mix and match). She
> said that in Europe, women wore a lot more dresses to work, and a lot more
> matching suits.

Interesting.  The Benetton store near my office in Philadelphia does have 
ladies' dress jackets, though that may simply be an accommodation to the 
American market.

> Benneton was designed for people who have fewer, nicer clothes, and who
> keep them longer. It could not compete as it was with the American market
> for a LOT of less expensive clothes. I don't know what it's like now...

I have *not* been impressed with the quality of the merchandise I've seen in 
their Philadelphia store.  Reasonably good construction, but most of the 
garments--even the sweaters--seem very thin. I bought several Benetton 
sweaters last winter on sale.  Although they are attractive and comfortable, 
if I wore them as often as I wear some of my work sweaters, they'd barely 
last one season before wearing through at the elbows.

Cathy Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

"As a general rule, if end users want to smash something repeatedly
with a sledgehammer, that's a sign of bad UI."--Bram Cohen
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