I subscribe to Vogue, "W", Bazaar, and Entertainment Weekly (it covers a lot of star fashions). For the past year Vogue has been running a section with photos on Hollywood and vintage fashions. Vogue or Bazaar points out when someone is wearing vintage and puts the designer's in the caption. I can't recall which one of these magazine has a monthly article by Karl Lagerfeld, but it is generally interesting. I enjoy the ads in these magazines, except the perfume one with the samples. They get ripped out immediately. The designer ads are very creative, especially Sept. issue of Vogue... my daughter-in-law and I figured out that one ad was a mirror effect in Photoshop or another image software. I do subscribe to Women's Wear Daily (WWD) online. I enjoy the industry trade news. Vogue is also good about running articles about museum exhibits, photos of the guests attending the exhibit's opening, and articles about film costumes. Their lead article is always in the last section of the magazine. I do have a complaint about one photoshoot of Demi Moore that was last month's issue in one of these magazine... she was air brushed way too much. I also study the ads for their layout and design. I have been collecting Vogue since the 1970s, "W" magazine since 1995, and EW since 2000. Bazaar I just started collecting this past year.

If you run a business, a lot of magazines will offer you subscription for $5-8 a year's subscription. I think they are getting my business name and address from the county where my business license is registered. I subscribe to several magazines this way or via using my airline frequent flyer points.

Although most people do not think of fashion but I have issues of National Geographic from the 1960s-2000. I collect them for international cultural fashions. The magazines are also an inspiration resource for costumes, past, present, and future. The issues of the Bayeaux Tapestry and the Tut exhibit in the 1970s are like gold to me! For those wanting to collect this magazine, your Library is a wonderful way to pick them up cheap. Our local library has a Friends of the Library section, where you can purchase old magazines for a quarter each. I have stopped getting issue of the magazine because we have run out of space to put them.

I do subscribe to Smithsonian magazine... That's how I found out about the King Tut exhibit and reserved my advance tickets for the 2007 exhibit in PA. BTW, for those people wanting to go to one of the Tut exhibits, you can reserve tickets online... all the future exhibits are over 50% booked. They will reserve the tickets and you have to pay the day before the exhibit opens in the location you plan to attend. The exhibit is in Jacksonville, Florida either now or in a month or so.

I love Town and Country magazine but their subscription rate is too expensive for me. Their fashions are so-o-o classy. I read T&C and Architectural Digest whenever I go to my doctor's office.

A long time ago, I found a website, where you can receive free fashion catalogs from various companies. I have been receiving the catalogs for years. I love to look at the catalogs for the color themes for that season. I have fun seeing what new color names have come out.

Penny E. Ladnier
The Costume Gallery, www.costumegallery.com
Costume Classroom, www.costumeclassroom.com
Costume Research Library, www.costumelibrary.com

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