From: Carolyn Kayta Barrows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Personally, I have never tried to collect byssal threads from mussels,
>though here's an article showing how to work with
I don't necessarily believe all the stuff in that article, nor in the links
from it.  For example, one quotes Herotidus as mentioning lace, and another
says that cloth of gold was really byssus fiber fabric.

That may be a later translation issue - for instance herodatus may be talking about "golden cloth" or something. I'll have to dig out the reference to see. What the site does do is give me some leads on more information. Unfortunately, it doesn't give me any information on where I can get yarn to have a repro of this cap knitted, or a source for a good substitute, which would have been really nice - but hey, even if not all the material is perfect, it's a better start than I had yesterday :)


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