Bjarne, my reply about the lace frills is from a costumer and considers 
practicality rather than necessarily being authentic, but for what it's worth:
I always edge the chemise in lace rather than sewing the lace to the dress, 
because the chemise is much easier to launder. With the actresses in make-up, 
the lace gets soiled easily but the dress usually stays pretty clean, and if 
the actress perspires this also affects the chemise much more than the costume, 
so washing the chemise keeps the whole costume looking clean and smelling 
fresh. Depending on how carefully the actress dresses, the lace edging may or 
may not be as precisely lined up with the sleeve and neckline edges as you'd 
want, but the ease of care is more important to me.
--Ruth Anne Baumgartner
scholar gypsy and amateur costumer

-----Original Message-----
From: Bjarne og Leif Drews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Nov 15, 2005 11:14 AM
Subject: [h-cost] chemise construktion

I am a little embarrased to ask, because i really aught to know and have 
made this before, but actually i never made a chemise before because i 
always just edged my dresses with lace.
But i want to construkt after Jean Hunniset's chemise.
My lady meassures 21 inches from under the arms and over the bust. I suppose 
this should be my meassure for the front and back pieces then + 2 inches for 
Is this correkt?
Do you think i should add the lace frills to the sleaves, or should i just 
sew it to the dress sleaves?


Leif og Bjarne Drews 

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