hello to the list, I know we discussed this pattern when it first came out, but I was wondering if anybody has actually looked at it and worked out if it's designed to be worn over the corset (the pictures on the website aren't clear)? If the bodice is cut to be worn over a cone shaped foundation it could be really useful as a base for several time periods. Whilst the skirt may not be to everyone's taste a bodice that's already got the period silhouette right without needing to get rid of the curved princess seams could be a valuable pattern to have, and certainly a much better starting point for beginners than the ones designed to be worn over a bra. Obviously the back seams are in the wrong place for all the periods I can think of but it's still a better starting point than any of the other big 3 patterns. I ask because I was thinking of teaching a class on removing princess seams so people can create an Elizabethan bodice from a commercial pattern, but if this one is already in the right shape I'd probably recommend it as a bodice pattern.
Elizabeth Walpole
Canberra Australia

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