I'm with Dianne on this one, although my "opera wall" doesn't come with a
set of rude neighbors! ;-D
I just plain don't like most 19th century music (or a fair amount of 20th
century music).  I don't have much appreciation for any book or movie or art
form that has a lot of over-the-top drama in it.  Since I got out of
adolescence, I've also not been much of a fan of musicals (liked them as a
kid just fine, and there are a few I enjoy now, but it's not something I'll
normally spend money on <shrugs>).
I adore music from the Renaissance and Baroqe periods, though, and Mozart
(does he count as Baroqe or Romantic?).  The local university's in the
middle of working on a production of _Marriage of Figaro_, and I'm going to
see that. ;o)
--Sue, who's musical prefernces pick up again in the 1960s, with exceptions
for composers like Aaron Copeland.....
OCC: Currently sorting through in-house wool and linen stash for makings for
some 10th c. (western) Norse outfits.  What's everyon else doing?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Dianne & Greg Stucki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Historical Costume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2005 5:17 AM
Subject: Re: [h-cost] Modern interpretations of period plays

> > The non-existent wall that prevents otherwise intelligent people from
> > enjoying these delights of Opera and Shakespeare is sewn, here in
> > anyway,
> > by the anti-intellectual brigade. Those usually sports-soaked numb-nuts
> > that
> > seem to be "kewl" in school and never really leave college for the rest
> > their lives. Ignorance is bliss....I guess.
> Actually, my "opera wall" (tee hee) was caused by living, when I was a
> child, next door to some opera fans. Not only were they generally
> people, but every evening, they played opera music. LOUDLY. And three
> seasons of the year, they had their windows wide open, so the whole
> neighboorhood could "enjoy" their music.
> I got bettah..  :-)
> I've loved Shakespeare since the first time I encountered it. One of my
> cherished books is the Complete Works of Shakespeare, which my parents
> me for Christmas when I was sixteen.
> Dianne
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