On Sat, 26 Nov 2005, Suzi Clarke wrote:

> But I cannot get over the ballet "wall", even though I saw Nureyev and
> Fontaine in Les Sylphides. I hate the music, and don't enjoy the
> dancing. (And there are some seriously odd costumes in ballet too.)

Oh wow. I'm just the opposite. I can barely tolerate opera music (though
the costumes and the dramatic element, when it's there, can distract me
sufficiently from the music). But if anyone's dancing, I'm *there.* I even
like Olympic ice dancing and gymnastics floor exercise.

Classical ballet is my least favorite of ballet styles, but it still shows
off the sheer athleticism of the performers. And many "ballet" companies"
do non-classical works. I spent several months of my early career as an
arts journalist covering the training team of the Joffrey Ballet ... wow.
I'd still rather see Momix or Pilobolus, though.


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