----- Original Message ----- From: "Robin Netherton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Honest, folks, I wouldn't have brought it up if someone hadn't asked me
directly why I wasn't intending to use my stash of brightly dyed linen for
medieval clothing -- a very specific question and a very specific answer.

At least for me, the reason I responded with the info I gave was that, to me, this question implies that you see dyed linen as useless for _any_ part of medieval clothing, rather than just for outer layer stuff. If you remove the fabric from your stash, then you can't use it for the reasonably-documentable non-outer-layer uses. I hate to see anyone give up fabric that they could be using!

-E House
(Still hasn't figured out a way to reasonably dispose of the 10yr-50yr old cloth inherited from g'ma-in-law, which is ugly and smelly but has to be really useful to someone, somewhere....) (The cloth, not the grandma.)
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