michael tartaglio wrote:
> Hi, All. I just saw a telly program on a fellow from Pennsylvania (US)
> that is the guru for used fabrics. He started out by convincing the mill
> that he worked at that they should give him the scraps they would throw
> out. Now folks send him stuff and he sends it out to anyone who wants
> it. Folks make quilts for charities with his "stashes". I don't remember
> his name or what his website is called, but the show was on local public
> TV (WHYY Philadelphia/Wilmington)

The show was called "Pennsylvania Quilts" and is pretty good. The man
Michael mentioned, though, no longer collects fabric. He used to get waste
from mills and distribute it for free, but now he is disabled and there are
no more mills where he lives. But it was an inspirational story
nevertheless, one of several about quilters of various kinds and types
(family quilters, Amish quilters, art quilters, etc.) in the state.

Gail finke

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