Saragrace said:

If you have the time and patience, there are a number of paintings on
this site that I've not seen before:
One example (besides the one Bjarne shared) :

There's a color copy of this one at

and isn't that beadwork on her sleeves *gorgeous*

And if this is truely a self portrait of Leonardo....whoo hoo!
Wish I'd known that boy!  (Ahem!  Did I say that outloud?)
Very cool...sure would love to see the colored ones!

I looked through my (well the libraries copy) of Renaissance
Self-Portraiture and it's not in there.  It's not in my copy of
Campbell's Renaissance Portraits either.  Neither one of those things
really means anything.  I've never seen that painting either -- and of
my sources, those are the places where I'd expect to find it.

He's alleged to have used his own face for the Mona Lisa.  He's also
supposed to have been the model for Donatello's David.

Susan Farmer
University of Tennessee
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

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