Oh, okay. :)
I don't recall the magazine she said it came from I just remember that what
my friend relayed to me sounded like the person didn't do very good
research. Also had the myth in the article about people in the Renaissance
never bathing.
-----Original Message-----
Gack! I wasn't, really, trying to aim the "flaming" reference at you!
Heavens, no.  I'm sorry that wasn't clear (mea culpa!).
What I was trying to say, in my clumsy/wordy fashion, was that I really
didn't want this thread to degenerate into another tirade on fat Americans.
We've had those on this list, unfortunately, and I'd be pretty content if
they didn't occur in the future.
I'm laughing at your description of a "big wompin' mama" <weg>.  I qualify,
although I'm more fire-plug shaped, being short and not amazonian-tall. ;o)
I don't have much experience at all with RenFaires (they just don't occur in
my part of the world, so what I know is all 2nd-hand), but I've seen plenty
of the same sort of ill-fitting bodices and bad information occur at SCA
Not at all familiar with the article you're mentioning--if you remember more
specifics, it'd be great if you'd post them.  I'd like to read it.

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