> Well, I watched it tonight - I thought the women's costuming was 10x 
> worse than the men's (as usual) with rather odd headdresses in 
> particular.  In my opinion it greatly resembled the 19th century 
> view 
> of the 16th century - it was to Henry and his wives what many in the  
> 19th century thought of "poor Mary Queen of Scots" and "the evil 
> Queen Elizabeth" - their ideas (not mine!!!!).  I found it to be 
> rather tabloid feeling in its approach to the entire thing, and 
> while 
> strictly correct in facts, attributed a lot of emotions that I think  
> they would be hard pressed to document.  Catherine of Aragon came 
> across as the wronged noble, almost saintly queen, and they stated 
> outright that Henry went mad as he got older!  

They aren't the only one, I've got a book that "proves" Henry was
suffering from neurosyphilis* by the time he decided to, er, "break up"
with Anne.  It's pretty flimsy evidence (supposedly Elizabeth's line
about being a "barren stock" after James was born meant she didn't
menstruate, so obviously she was suffering from inherited syphilis), only
remotely plausible because Henry wasn't exactly faithful to his spouses
at a time when there wasn't any way to prevent STDs.


*Or tertiary syphilis, I've seen both terms -- what happens when the
syphilis spirochete starts damaging your brain.
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