
LOL! He always cleans his own throne room/library. This king doesn't have a royal maid! It did take about 6 months before he could be around bleach again.

You know you should be scared when the hazmat team calls you at the hospital. They wanted to make sure what was in the spray bottle. My kids said they had to put on all the hazmat suits to work in the bathroom.

Our family has all these jokes/stories over the years about my husband trying to fix things around the house and the cars. Now when my husband insists on fixing something, we remind him of the bleach/Limeaway event. On the other hand... he is a wiz at fixing computers!

To bring this back to a fashion/costume topic... did anyone watch the reality show, Beauty and the Geek on the WB? I only watched the episodes where they picked out wardrobes for one another. It was really funny! One of the "Geeks," I wouldn't really called a geek. His personality and mode of dress was more like the Robert Carradine's character in Revenge of the Nerds.

Penny E. Ladnier
The Costume Gallery,
Costume Classroom,
Costume Research Library,

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