What a wonderful way to record a trip! And with a yoyo (Smile)
I will indeed try to find the source re MR.> Burbridge that left me with the
impression of his demise. I have a vague memory of a 'tribute' being

I am having waaay too much fun with all my doll kits and the dressing of the
ladies and gents as they crawl off the craft table.  I will be using my
Godey's and Peterson's for the Little Women.  Can't wait!!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Penny Ladnier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Historical Costume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 24, 2006 1:35 AM
Subject: Re: [h-cost] Les Petites Dames de Mode

> Kathleen,
> I am sorry for the confusion.  I have not heard if Mr. Burbidge is still
> with us or not.  The exhibit that I worked with him was in 1997 or 98.
> exhibit was just before or after we did the first Princess Diana gown
> exhibit.
> I have heard the videotape about the dolls is really good.  It is amazing
> me how detailed he was when making the dolls.  Going on memory... I think
> said that he made two or three dolls a year.  The research he did for each
> doll was so intense.  The dolls are clothed even with the undergarments
> each had their own traveling case.  My favorite were his bridal dolls.
> His wife is also a master cake decorator.  At the time Mrs. Burbidge had
> been making cakes for the royals of the world.  I met her at a birthday
> party for a friend.  She made my friend's cake.  It looked so perfectly
> decorated that I hated to see it cut.  Mrs. Burbidge and I discussing my
> dabbling in cake decorating.  She told me, "Don't be upset, the
> are easy to make."  She took me into the kitchen and taught me a few of
> tricks.  What an honor!
> The Burbidges are that kind of people... very laid back and love to teach
> others their crafts.  At the time, she was also making a yo-yo quilt.
> Burbidge carried a bag with her full of her circles for yoyos where ever
> they traveled.  She showed me a completed section of the quilt.  On the
> of each yoyo, she stitched the date and location as to where she made it.
> She said it was her journal of their travels.
> Penny E. Ladnier
> Owner,
> The Costume Gallery, www.costumegallery.com
> Costume Classroom, www.costumeclassroom.com
> Costume Research Library, www.costumelibrary.com
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