On the rubber garments issue...
Does anyone remember the "joys" of wearing a Platex girdle in the 1950s?My
husband to be used to call it "body armor".

----- Original Message ----- 
To: "Historical Costume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 8:22 PM
Subject: Re: [h-cost] Rubber garments to hide or lose weight

> I cannot speak for some of the stuff in the original post but I have a
> of bits to add:
> When I was much younger -- well, not that much for I am still.... bahh,
> never believe it -- I used to do odd things like try to keep fit. Part of
> was to make arm and head holes in a dry cleaning plastic cover and wear it
> under my track (sweat) suit while training. I know, I know, I know, there
> good reasons not to do this but, hell, it works when done right.
> As to hiding flab, these days I often work with those mountains of fitness
> called professional wrestlers. For one popular wrestler who has a second,
> masked and bodysuited character, I made a neoprene (wetsuit fabric)
bodysuit to
> wear under the costume to thin him in. It works,
> -C.
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