On Sun, 29 Jan 2006, Sharon L. Krossa wrote:

> I see in another post you're clarified that you mean "British, but not
> just Elizabethan (that is, I'm interested in finding people known for
> doing work on the first half of the 16th c.)." -- but I'm not entirely
> sure if by this you actually mean British (including not only Welsh
> but the various kinds of Scottish) or if you really mean only English.
> [Alas, it is so common for people to use British and English as
> synonyms that even when people use British to mean British one often
> still has to ask...]

In this case, English -- sorry for not being specific. Frankly, I can't
think of very many people who are currently doing scholarly work in dress
study anywhere in Britain focusing on 16th c. documents (as opposed to
art, archaeology, or reconstruction -- I know who to call on those), which
is why I inquired about Jane Ashelford.


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