>The number of extant inventories, etc. out there that have never been
>studied is practically criminal. One of the defining moments in my life
>was holding Edward II's wardrobe inventory -- the original volume -- and

Cool!  I had no idea one even existed!

>realizing that I would never be able to get anything out of it without a
>few refresher courses in paleography and Latin, some background in 14th c.
>monetary systems, a minimum of three to five years of full-time work, and
>grant money to cover living expenses in England for the duration.

Wouldnt it be cool to Wiki a never-before annotated inventory?  Even
tho most of us are just amateurs & fashion fans, I'm sure we'd have
some interesting things to say on so many topics.  While none of us
could complete the task, we'd make a nice start.
The only annotate French inventory that I know of, and have skimmed
bits of, is the accounts of the Dukes of Lorraine.  It's not the
wardrobe accts, but the accts of the entire estate, but, fashionwise,
it does include everything from fabric buys to livery gifts.
Cynthia Barnes

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