> I'm in the planning stages of what will be my first ever wool garment. Is
> there anything I need to know about sewing with it? Do any of you guys
> pre-wash wool?

I always pre-wash my wool.  As someone said, it washes out any chemicals
used in processing and it leaves you the *option* of washing it again.

Honestly, I have never had to wash an entire garment that I have made in
my 15-odd years of sewing historical costumes.  Spot cleaning works fine
or putting my hem in the bathtub ;~>

> It's a gabardine fabric, which I know isn't terribly
> period, but it's what I could afford, and I'm making my late-17th-century
> pirate coat out of it.

Also, washing a wool gabardine will shrink it and thicken it up a bit so
it will be less modern-looking.  Every little bit helps!


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