I was just browsing Simplicity's website (I got a free pattern for
submitting a sewing tip to their 'idea exchange') and I found that they have
a new historic costume pattern,
http://www.simplicity.com/dv1_v4.cfm?design=4244 it looks like a bustle or
natural form period gown, they may be trying to cash in on The Phantom of
the Opera (though it seems a bit late) as their model does look quite a bit
like Emmy Rossum (who played the main character, Christine) although they do
already have a version of the costume she wears when she does her solo on
stage for the rest of the film she wears typical late 1870s to early 1880s
Anyway, onto my point does anybody have an opinion on how authentic this is
and whether any inauthentic parts would be fixable? The bodice doesn't look
too bad it's got 2 darts at the front and princess seams at the back, it
reminds me of a polonaise except for the back drape. It would need fitting to be worn over a corset but otherwise I can't seem to pinpoint a flaw (I admit I don't like the look of the back of the skirt but I don't know if that's because it's inauthentic or I just dislike the style). Then again I've only done a little research into this era, so for those who have more expertise in natural form era outfits what is your opinion?
Elizabeth Walpole
Canberra Australia

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