Fiskar, I believe, makes a variety of pinking/dagging scissors--a variety of 
designs. I don't have any, and I've seen them advertised only in art-supply 
catalogs, so maybe their usefulness is limited to paper. I'm always tempted to 
try a pair, but I can't decide among  wavy-cut, deep pink, 
deckled-paper-effect, and the more complicated dags...and can't afford to buy 
them all!
Again: maybe no good for fabric....Has anybody tried them?
--Ruth Anne Baumgartner

I have a pair I bought when I made my wedding invitations, and I didn't think they were all that good on paper. The handles were small and hurt my hands -- though they cut ok -- I found them unpleasant to use. They probably would have worked on fabric when new, but they won't now. And how would you sharpen something like that anyway?


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