I have it on the shelf, but it is in the file to discard.
  Does anyone not know  about the R.Courson book I mentioned earlier.  He
covers hair styles from almost pre-history through most of the twentieth
Century.  This volume is about 3" thick; the drawings are based on statuary
of the ancients through gleanings from pictorial evidences of art and
photography.  All of the pic's are black and white line renderings of hair
style from any of the periods.  And it carries a fairly comprehensive
bibliography as well as interpretive  descriptions .

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Catherine Olanich Raymond" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Historical Costume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2006 11:51 PM
Subject: Re: [h-cost] Roman women's hairstyles

> On Thursday 09 February 2006 4:16 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Can anyone point me to a reference for how to dress Roman ladies' hair?
> > I've found a some simple styles, but wasn't there a period when they
> > really tall, complicated hairstyles?
> >
> > Oh, and has anyone seen this book: Daring Do's: History of hairstyles by
> > Trasko? Is it any good?
> I looked through it in a bookstore once.   Fewer illustrations than I'd
> and very un-informative text.  Moreover, I don't think it had any pictures
> whatsoever of Roman period styles.  Don't waste your money.
> If you want pictures of Roman ladies' hair styles, there's a nice little
> section in A.T. Croom's "Roman Clothing and Fashion," which is still in
> and not too expensive (I think it runs about $35 USD).
> -- 
> Cathy Raymond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> "Physics is like sex; sure, it may give some practical
> results, but that's not why we do it."--Richard Feynman
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