> Holy Crapola, that dress is beautiful, but really badly mounted.  So I
> wouldn't trust all of their information, especially about the gown meeting
> edge to edge at the centrefront.  I wish they had taken the time to mount
> the dress proprely, then you would be able to see all it's glory in the
> photos...they are great photos, I'm bummed ;-(

Sorry about the other post, I hit send accidently :~<

If you think the mounting was bad for that one, check this one out:


I LOVE this jacket, but it looks so awful there!

> If you are interested in more information about dresses from this time
> period, check out Janet Arnold's book on this period,

I have it but I don't remember too many pictures with construction
details.  Maybe I will have to look at it again.

>also Louisbourg
> National Historic Site, published booklets on clothing from this time
> period
> a few years back, they are complete with patterns and tailoring details.
> Their website is http://fortress.uccb.ns.ca/ , you may be able to contact
> them for a copy.

Thanks!  I will look into that.  Costume Close-Up has been helpful for
construction information but they only have limited close-ups and usually
only one per garment.  But every little bit helps!


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