You have said it! I use their edition of Braun and Schneider for lots of
picture references so I can leave the 19th C edition on the shelf.  Now to
plot my course re Fancy Dress coming from foreign climes...if I should get
it.  Will look further for an affordable copy in the US.  Got a book on line
last fall and it was going to cost four times the win for the Royal Mail.
Alas-alack! (Did find another one sometime later)
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robin Netherton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Historical Costume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, February 16, 2006 10:32 AM
Subject: Re: Victorian ideas of Renaissance clothing,was
Re:[h-cost]italianchilds renaissance dress

> On Thu, 16 Feb 2006, Suzi Clarke wrote:
> > Whooo, that's got more pictures than mine. Good luck bidding, if you
> > decide.  I might bid if the price stays like that and nobody else is
> > interested, then sell on my less complete copy. However, I don't want
> > to enter a war with anybody on list, so p[lease let me know.
> I won't be bidding; I don't really need it, and there are other books I do
> need more if I had the money to spend. Keep us posted!
> If ever a book begged for Dover reprint, this is it. The fully illustrated
> volumes are lovely. (The book grew, and gained more pictures, as the
> years/editions progressed.)
> --Robin
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