I'm really interested in wanting a blackwork pattern of columbines, also. Actually, I was recently gifted a blackwork book of patterns and there is this one pattern that looks like a columbine but has no spurs - they called it a pansy, but definitely does not look like any pansy I've ever seen.

I'd like to see that one.  There are a couple of columbines in the dover
"Medieval herb, plant, and flower illustrations" CD/book.  One of them
is mislabeled, however as a flax-weed.

I didn't see anything at the Dragonbear site, and haven't been to the EBA site in a very long time so I guess it is about time I take a look see.

There were a couple of things at Kat Robeard's web site (I think I'm
remembering the name correctly) -- infotrope.net was the old domain. They're retrievable from the WayBack Machine -- one's from a
Schole-House for the needle (which is charted in The New Carolingian
Modelbook).  These are the same pattern, just different sizes.

Susan Farmer
University of Tennessee
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

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