This is a sad thread.

My mom was given 6 months when they FINALLY diagnosed the anal lesion that
she had as 3rd stage cancer. It was diagnosed because the lesion contained
LUNG cells... which means the primary site was in her lungs --- All due to
smoking  from the time she was a teenager.

My mother had a tumor on the back of her neck. They did surgery and radiation, and swore they had gotten it all. When she kept telling them she was having trouble breathing (AFTER they told her she was just stressed and should get over it), they finally took a look at her chest cavity. It was almost completely filled with cancer.

She was active and a beautiful woman who had been a professional ballerina
and actress in her youth , before her marriage to my Dad at age 23.
BTW-- she only lasted 4 months after the diagnosis. I considered it a

My mom died one week after they finally found the lung cancer. Like you, I considered it a blessing. But my mom was only 57 years old, and she should have had waaay more time with us, and with the grandchildren she adored. I truly feel that they were robbed.

I wish we who have see this could explain to smokers, who all think they are

Yeah--at one time, everyone in my family smoked. None of us do know, and I don't think we ever will again!


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