Ain't modern fabrics a wonder?
Early in my collecting career, I spent days mending and shoring up of a
fragile georgette   to get it to a wearable state (plainly rescued from the
burn barrel).  it was a wonderful pale peach color ornamented with tiny
silver beads and sequins.  When I had done all I could to give it one more
outing I thought I would just dip it in the sink to freshen it.  Ten minutes
later I returned to rinse it and all that remained of the lovely design was
the beads. (No one had yet told me that sequins from just about before WW2
were made of gelatin!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Dawn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Historical Costume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, March 06, 2006 2:05 PM
Subject: Re: [h-cost] abuse of fabrics (aka care and washing)

> Leah L Watts wrote:
> >
> > I've always suspected "Do Not Wash, Do Not Dry Clean, Spot Clean Only"
> > was a synonym for "We Couldn't Be Bothered To Test This But Don't Want
> > Be Held Responsible".
> I picked up a gorgeous fully beaded and sequinned evening gown at a
> local thrift shop with just such a tag. It reeked of  "dancing all night
> in a smoky club" but for $4 I took a chance. Laid it in a tub of cold
> water with mild soap and just kind of swished it gently and it came out
> beautifully.
> I'm all ready for the palace ball, I just need my glass slippers and the
> invitation from the prince....
> Dawn
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