It is very tempting.
The style of this gown is late renaissance. With a farthingale a little bigger than the original in the spanish book. More like a crinoline style. White underskirt is slashed, and overdress has a small "peplum skirt" over the top. Ruff is edged with reticella lace and is not close fitted to the neck, but hangs down a little in the front, but it is starched. Cuffs are reticella lace. What a luck i baught the reproduktion lace from Michelas site in England. Could be very handy here. Style is like the van Dyke portraits or Rubens. She wears a hood wich is curved in each side of the forehead, black edged with lace. The museum is located in the county where this queen lived as a widdow, so this is why they want it.

----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Historical Costume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: [h-cost] dilemma ahhhhhhhhhhh.

Bravo, Bjarne. What a fitting recognition for your wonderful skills and accomplishments!
You sound as if you're very tempted.
These projects sound like something a bit new for you, a chance to stretch... You COULD tell yourself that garments for exhibition aren't QUITE "costumes"...and so you wouldn't be breaking your promise to yourself not to make any more "costumes"...
Keep us posted about what you decide!
Best wishes,
Ruth Anne Baumgartner
scholar gypsy and amateur costumer

-----Original Message-----
From: Bjarne og Leif Drews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Mar 9, 2006 8:49 AM
Subject: [h-cost] dilemma ahhhhhhhhhhh.

I just got an enquiry from a museum. Because this year it is renaissance
year, a museum has purchased money to get 2 costumes done. I am asked to do them. I would make a dress after a portrait of Queen Sophie (the queen they remade the wedding dress for) - as a widow. A black dress, small white ruff
and a black hood.
Then i should also make a prince outfit for a boy, the chosen prince  who
died in 1647. This is rather late, and i dont think it has much to do with
renaissance, but..........
Oh  and i had promised myself from stopping making costumes, and besides,
the outfits has to be finished in about 3 months. ..............
Ah i really dont know, but would be very tempting


Leif og Bjarne Drews

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