Are you overlapping the seams or are you sewing the right sides
together and then turning them over?

I have a one sheet example of stitches used through the periods for
gloves that I can share with you. It is from observational research
as I am not able to go to the various overseas museums that have the

One local university recently obtained some gloves that they want me
to come over the catalog for them. I am hoping some are from the
Elizabethan era. :)


On Thu, March 9, 2006 9:39 am, Bjarne og Leif Drews said:
> Hi,
> I am working on making mitts with floral embroidery. I use a pattern
> from
> Williamsburg. Made a muck up wich fits my hand very nicely, i have
> small
> hands, so i guess they would fit a woman two. My question is wich
> stitches
> do you use to make these? And is the lining made seperate and
> assembled
> later, or do you make the lining same time as the outer layer? The
> thumb
> must be difficult to assemble and the stitches must be very strong,
> but wich
> stitches?
> Bjarne
> Leif og Bjarne Drews
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