The best parrot i know is a grey Jaco parrot. They are African. An ex boyfriend of mine was a cirkus artist, and his house was full of parrots, snakes and turtles. He even had some rare chinese mandarin ducks in the garden pond. When i lived with him, i got quite good friends with Jaco, the african parrot. I could even take him with me outside sitting on my shoulder, and he would´nt fly away. He also learned a few words with my voice, he always said Jaco - Juhuuuuuu when i arrived home to him.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Glenda Robinson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Historical Costume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006 11:37 AM
Subject: Re: [h-cost] Birds

Sounds like a Galah:


Can't say I've ever met an Australian parrot that's easy to deal with.

Our old neighbours had a Sulpher Crested Cockatoo who would 'stage whisper' in the middle of the night, too many times we thought someone had broken in!
It would also shriek late at night too. We ended up spraying it with our
hose when it shrieked. They're quite clever, so eventually it got the hint. My parents had wild parrots eat their wooden pergola and their geranium bed, and the mess the local cockatoos leave of our flowering eucalypts has to be
seen to be believed - they just rip all the flowers off the trees and drop
them to the ground.

The one that was friendly must have been very tame! We're all fairly wary
(or is it scared) of them over here. But they're very pretty.


----- Original Message -----

Hi, yes
I know that personality to a bird. When i studyed at the design school, we
had a day in the zoo to draw animals. I preferred to draw the birds.
Especially one of them an australian one rose colloured with tall feathers
on the head, dont know the name, i got quite friendly with, and i could
stick in my finger and pet it .
After lunch, i hurried back, and the bird was waiting for me ( i thoaght)
but when i took the finger into him, he just bite me so hard you cant
imagine. I guess it was another one, and not the other one i had pet
before lunch.
I never forget that bird................


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