>In reference roughly to 12th - 14th centuries. I have been eyeing a
lovely piece of >magenta wool. My herbal book says this color can be
attained using dandelion - >the whole plant with no mordant.

> 1. are there any historical references for this color? I know that dandelion 
> flowers produce a yellow dye.

 >2. no mordant implies that it would not be color fast.

> 3. are there any historical references to a magenta like color being produced 
> with some other dye stuff?

 >Or any suggestions where I might look for more information?

On natural dyestuffs see "The Art & Craft of Natural Dyeing" Jim
Liles. He's a Rev War re-enactor & teaches/taught Chem at some
southern University (U of Tenn?).  You wont find history here, but you
will find good process & technique.  His photo on the back book cover
has him in a snappy magenta (called Turkey Red) tunic.

Your perception is most likely correct.  I'd go with a mordant, too.

Cynthia Barnes

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