>  From another list I use
> Suzi

COOL!  Thanks for sharing :~>  You people are so evil....


> Tak v Bowes Departed: A 15th Century Braiding Manual Examined
> by Elizabeth Benns and Gina Barrett
> Tak v bowes departed is an in-depth study of Article 4, British
> Library Manuscript Harley 2320. This treatise, which dates to the
> fifteenth century, gives instructions for making forty different
> braids of varying complexity.
> Braids such as these were used for a variety of purposes during the
> medieval period; lacing clothes, purse strings, decorative trim and
> seal tags. This book discusses the background of the original
> manuscript; who may have owned it, how it was made, and compares the
> spelling and language with other similar documents.
> Tak v bowes departed concludes with modern instructions to make each
> of the braids; original errors have been corrected and noted, and
> each braid is clearly illustrated for reference. The instructions are
> provided as both text and diagrams, and include a detailed overview
> of the technique of 'fingerloop braiding' for those new to this skill.
> For further information and to order your advance copy, visit
> <http://www.takvbowes.co.uk>http://www.takvbowes.co.uk
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