I'll have to check. The guy who invited me is from a unit of Highlanders, but I was thinking I'd just stick to my civilian clothes. Unfortunately, those have about everything I need -- except a coat.

OTOH, if it's strictly military thing, I'll probably just stick to modern stuff.

Perhaps you would be a campfollower of some sort. (Yes, men were campfollowers, too.) A drover or supplier of some sort? Carry a notebook and grumble about how long it takes to get paid whenever someone is looking...

Are there any good patterns readily available?

I always used to draft things from Cut of Men's Clothes. I hear the JP Ryan patterns are good. Steer clear of Pegee of Williamsburg. The Revlist would be a good place to ask - it's a Yahoo group called Revlist.

A simpler, unfitted garment is a smock, a working man's garment worn over a shirt, waistcoat & breeches. If it's really hot no one would notice if you left off the waistcoat, but you didn't hear that from me. ;-> You can make it from fustian (linen/cotton) or linen canvas.

A sleeved waistcoat is a bit longer than waist length, not as long and without the curves and tailoring of a fashionable coat. Some guys run around in shirts & waistcoats without a sleeved garment on top. But that's 18th century naked.

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