In a message dated 6/6/2006 8:35:25 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  

In a  message dated 6/6/06 2:41:14 AM GMT Daylight Time,  

> Debbie
>  The Asian guy had his stall inside, it was quite near another,  run by I 
> think, a white couple. It is a few years since I have been  to have a good 
> around the market  as I have problems with  childcare, as my daughter gets 
> bored easily, though it's high time I  went back though!

Yeah, that's the one I thought you meant - apparently  it's now run by the 
white guys I  mentioned.

This is a great example of the plea made by others to please insert a  
subject line when you are replying to a digest listing.  I don't get the  
digest, so 
don't have a clue what message the number is referring to.   True, it doesn't 
take THAT long to open a message, see it doesn't refer to my  interests, and 
delete it, but I would rather not open it at all and just  delete it un-read.  
And it doesn't take THAT long to type in a subject line  (I did it here.)
Thanks, all.
Ann Wass
h-costume mailing list

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