Hi Ruth,
I did use a thimble, had to do it because i was stitching trough 4 layers of silk. But it was the other hand i stuck into :-) I started to embroider with silver spangels on the new taffeta. I have drawn the embroidery to a paper, and i embroider on top of the paper. I will tear it away when finished. I emediately fell in love with a boys suit, made for the future Tzar of Russia. It is gorgeous. Made with spangels and cut silver foil. I cant make silver foil flowers- but i use a substitute. I found some filligree flowers many years ago, baught the whole lot, and now i use them for this. I put a cut glass bead in each flower center. The whole design will be very nice, only using silver and the glass beads, are nearly the same collour as the taffeta. Then the whole waistcoat is full of spots made of spangels two, and i will combine the pattern, so that i make the same embroidery on the jacket, only with darker green cut glass beads, and the same flowers and spangels. The best of it is the design with the cuffs. They are made of the same lighter fabric as the waistcoat, and it looks soo good. The cuffs are also having these spots, the jacket doesnt.
Pictures later.
I have not ben worried any more of the other projekt, i just put it aside..................
And besides, i do have enough spare fabric, to make new cuffs.
But thanks for all your suggestions to my bad luck. Troubbles are all forgotten now.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Ruth Anne Baumgartner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Historical Costume" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2006 1:50 PM
Subject: Re: [h-cost] bad luck!

What a sad thing!
Do you ever use a thimble, Bjarne? I never found a metal one I could stand, they made me so clumsy, and I usually wound up not using that finger at all! But now I have two thimbles I use when hand-sewing (quilting, making a multi-layered seam, attaching snaps, hooks, or buttons, etc.) thick or stubborn fabric, and both have saved me a lot of blood (I'm constantly pricking my fingers! With thin fabric I'm not using a lot of force behind the needle, but the more stubborn the fabric the worse the prick!). One is a leather thimble I got in a quilting shop--it has a reinforced tip. The other is a ring thimble one of my actresses gave me--the size of a finger-ring but with dimples to stabilize the needle. Both are very helpful, and neither interferes with feeling the cloth. This is probably old news to you, but just thought I'd mention....Maybe you can retrieve the ribbed silk project sometime.
--Ruth Anne Baumgartner
scholar gypsy and amateur costumer

On Jun 20, 2006, at 5:36 PM, Bjarne og Leif Drews wrote:

Its ben a while since i last posted here. I had almost lost all my good patience with a projekt i started. It is such a lovely ribbed silk, but its so difficult to work with. I think its the worst silk i have ever tryed. I had cut out the forepart, and the back, the sleaves, and the cuffs. I always starts to make the sleaves of a suit, as it is so easy going. I had just finished both cuffs, and was sewing the buttons on to the cuffs and sleaves, when i stuck my hands so badly and bleeded all over on the inner cuff side for the left sleave. I tryed everything, spit on it, and used earsticks with salt water, but the collour of the silk is so fragile, that it wasnt going to be saved. Then i thoaght, well thats what happens, and i started on the other sleave. You wont believe, the same thing happened to this cuff. I compleately lost my interrest in this, and gave up. The silk is interlined with a calico cotton, and it was so hard to stick into, that i often stuck myself.
In the end, i shouted out loud to myself, to h... w... i.
Then i rushed off to the fabric shop, and baught myself some lovely oldfashioned silk taffeta. Thank god for that, i know how to work with that. It ended up with a very opalescence shot green taffeta with shades of very pale green. This is for jacket and breeches, and a matching green in the same collour of the pale green, for waistcoat and cuffs of the jacket. It is all going to be embroidered with silver spangels and cut glass beads that looks like the old spangels made of paste. I found these cut glass in excactly same greens as the taffeta.............. As for the ribbed silk projekt, it is put away, and i have stabbed it at the bottom................................... I had hoped to go to an event at the Gustavians in august, but now i am sure, i wont make it because i wanted to wear something new. I guess reenacting is canselled this season...........


Leif og Bjarne Drews


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