These remind me of a pair of pants my mother made for me years ago for a 
Christmas party. They were yellow "silk" with a blue print of giraffes and 
such. I looked on the Patterns from the Past site and found two possibilities 
for the one she used.
  Both are from 1972 - 
  Simplicity 5124 wrap and tie shorts and pants,
  and Butterick 6720 - wrap and go pantskirt.
  I really liked them and don't remember my legs showing at all, so it probably 
was the butterick that she used. The term "pantskirt" does sound familiar.
  btw - I had not heard of that website before, thanks Cynthia!

Message: 10
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 15:28:27 -0700
From: Cin 
Subject: [h-cost] OT - what do you make to beat the heat

> Anyway, what are other people making to cope with this seasonably toasty 
> weather?

I have a favorite vintage 1969 "scooter skirt" pattern that I found a
few years ago when a vintage pattern library in Rhode Island was
selling off excess stock. I tried to find it on, but Misch is out of stock on it currently.
It's SImplicity 8397, view 5, tho look carefully, as Simplicity
re-used the number on a different 1-hour shorts pattern. Modernly,
scooter skirts are called "skorts", which sounds horrible, but is an
excellent combo of skirt& shorts.

I just bought lots of yardage to make some more. One print has French
perfume bottles, another is Poiret fashion drawings from 1913 or so,
another is the Tour Eiffel repeated all-over... and about 7 more
Cynthia Barnes

  Message: 2
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 13:21:51 -0500
From: "Betsy Marshall" 
Subject: RE: [h-cost] OT - Thai fisherman type trousers: what do you
make towear in the heat?

This might help a bit..

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of katherine sanders
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 11:43 AM
Subject: [h-cost] OT - Thai fisherman type trousers: what do you make towear
in the heat?

OK, this is not /strictly/ historic - although I could argue they're
'traditional' ;-)

Anyway, I'm trying to adapt a Burda pattern to be more like traditional thai
fisherman 'wrap' trousers, which are open at the outer sides (and therefore
cooler to wear and hang nicely) and wondered if anyone had tried making a
pair based on originals they had purchased perhaps on holiday. 

The thing I'm a bit unclear on is how the ties work around the waist, to
hold them up and fit them at the waist: the Burda pattern is a bit tailored
whereas the originals are 'free-size'. I found a few references on the web,
in case you've no idea what I'm talking about.

Anyway, what are other people making to cope with this seasonably toasty


"A positive attitude may not solve all of your problems, but it will 
annoy enough people to make it worth the effort" - Herm Albright

Message: 8
Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2006 21:39:50 +0000 (GMT)
From: katherine sanders 
Subject: [h-cost] Re: OT Thai Fisherman trousers

>Email me off list if you are interested.
>Sheridan P.

Thanks - will do!

>They are simply the front and back of a pair of very wide-legged trousers, 
>joined at the crotch and >inside legs only. You then take the back part, and 
>tie them round the front - I actually use hooks and eyes >here. Pick up the 
>front part and tie them at the back, overlapping the back at the sides. (You 
>can do this the >other way around - I find this way easiest.)

That explains everything - thanks again! I'm going to find some cheapo stuff to 
practice on and some nice linen to make smarter ones... 

>I have seen it done also where people have sort of extended the bottom hem of 
>the pants to make ties at the >ankles so that the legs don't flap open or get 
>in the way.

Now there's a thought! Can immediately think of /several/ situations where my 
Scottish pale-blue thigh would not be an appropriate thing to flash....

Thanks to all for your help, amazingly useful and informative as always. I know 
it's quite cheap to buy them but that feels like a bit of a cop out, somehow!

Katherine (in front of a fan with feet in a basin of cold water. ohhhhh that's 

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