At 03:40 15/11/2006, you wrote:
Quoting Suzi Clarke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

museum. There seems to be a French Hood frame there too, but it's like
no French Hood shape I've ever seen.

There are two MoL wire frames possibly from French hoods that are pictured in The Age of Transition: The Archaeology of English Culture 1400-1600. They're very similar. Is this what you're referring to?

Each of them has a little ball on both ends of the curve and a spot at each side about temple level where the wire makes a small loop before continuing on the rest of the curve.

My theory for this is that the little loops in the wire are anchor points for firmly attaching the wire to the foundation of the crescent. When I used it this way in my hood, it worked very well.


I don't know the book to which you refer, but your description sounds about right. Good to know it worked for you.

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