At 05:26 23/11/2006, you wrote:
Thank you Janet for sharing this.

I see that there is a book on the collection, Holbein in England. Has anyone here seen the book, and is it worth getting for those rarely seen images, like the ones that for copyright restriction is not on the website?

And looking at, I see the author, Susan Foister, has another book that is thicker
  Holbein and England (Paul Mellon Centre for Studies)
  Does anyone know of any details on this book?

  Thank you,


    There's a nice on-line display of Holbein's English work at . Most of the pictures of women are already well-known but some of the men (and their clothes) were new to me. There are also a number of studies of jewelry.

The Holbein catalogue is well worth buying. The reproductions are excellent. I haven't read the text as I was too busy enjoying the pictures. I went to the exhibition with some costume minded friends a couple of weeks ago, and without dawdling, it took us 2 1/2 hours to go round. We followed it with a visit to the current Velasquez exhibition, also well worth the visit. I did not buy the full size catalogue for that, so cannot comment.


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