He's in the north end of Bridgeport, CT. I've been telling him he HAS to go online, but so far he hasn't. He's kind of a shy man. Anyway, last week I did get him to promise "maybe in the new year" for a website.

It's a mill-end shop, so the stock varies, but he has gorgeous silks (including dupioni) and linens, both 100% and various blends, and a great variety of trims. (Plus of course cotton prints, sequinned and embroidered fancy fabrics, fake furs, muslin in every width known to wo/man, etc. etc.) Prices are very good generally. I just succumbed to 3 yards of upholstery fabric in what the Crayola crayon company used to call "Prussian blue" with a brocade design of squares filled with Jacobean-style flowers alternating with a lattice pattern, tones of gold and rose. Sixty inches wide. $10 a yard. I didn't ask re fiber content, but it's got a very good hand and soft sheen--and the back, being primarily those rose tones, is almost pretty enough to show off on its own. Putting this on my livingroom futon would upgrade my whole home--but maybe I'll upholster MYSELF in it rather than my couch! Also got a yard of Czech rhinestone beading, $12.50--so far, just to look at! And what I bought two yards of and STAYED IN MY H-COST SANTA LIMIT is I think remarkable. His wife is Indian and he is from one of the Arab countries, and occasionally they also have scarves and pashminas, if they've recently taken a little trip to see their folks.

Hop on a plane and come see me, Kimiko, and we can wallow around.

--Ruth Anne

On Dec 26, 2006, at 11:52 PM, Kimiko Small wrote:

Alright Ruth Anne, where is this fabric store, and can we get there online? Do share anyways even if a physical store only, as I'm collecting good store recommendations.


Ruth Anne Baumgartner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    I went to my favorite discount
fabric store to shop for my partner's gift--he has gorgeous trims
that are remarkably affordable--

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