And I'm seeing for the 1st time the "Bleak House" with Gillian Anderson. I  
liked very much the Diana Rigg version. This one is much "bleaker"...babba 
bing.  Everyone looks great, but it's all too grey and dreary so far. I know 
of it  is SUPPOSED to be but part of that is the contrast with the not so 
dreary  places. Everywhere is grey in this production so far. Gillian looks 
[and  is quite good, but I expected her to be], still there is something about 
her  look....I can't put my finger on it... The Deadlock's world should be 
posh and  expensive and full of the things that everyone wants, but at the same 
time empty  and cold. All that Victorian brickerbrack should somehow appear  
unsatisfying. So far it's just dark.
And the weird sorta space-age transitions...swoosh! Wassup w'that?
But I've got a long way to go so I don't want to be hard on it. It's really  
quite good in spite of my vague complaints.
I also saw for the 1st time "Gangs of New York". Boy...Leo does nothing for  
me and Cameron Diaz....shudder! Still, Daniel Day Lewis is as usual amazing. I 
 like the costumes. I didn't mind the strange mix of oriental stuff when 
they're  in the oriental circus. And the upper crust ladies and gents look  
fantastic....though there are few of those. I liked the color put into the  
and the dandy look of the leaders. This is just a notion taken from  today's 
gangs rendered in period. And since the thing is a fairy tale....even  though 
used a few historical events...a little imagination doesn't bother me.  I 
just like Sandy Powell's style, and that's all there is to it. I should go  
"Orlando" and "Velvet Goldmine" again....
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