At 06:04 15/01/2007, you wrote:
A while back we were discussing our favorite fabric
shops and somebody mentioned they shop in York. My son
is there now for six months of study at The University
of York and I would like him to check it out.

No fabric shops that I remember. Lots of interesting antique shops, a great shop totally dedicated to everything cat (post it notes, tote bags etc), great food markets and weekend markets of things like Peruvian knitwear, home made jams, etc. But nothing costume orientated that I remember - sorry.

I don't expect he will be able to buy me anything,
being on a very, very tight budget, but I would at
least like him to take a look.

If anybody has any suggestions for places he can go
while he is there, it would be greatly appreciated.
I've instructed him to buy any postcards that have
clothing or portraits on them, but we will see if he remembers.

York has lots of interesting historical buildings, a museum, a railway museum, and there is plenty to see in the local area. I have a vague memory that they have a dress belonging to Queen Victoria in the museum, and if it is there, you can buy a postcard. I have not been to any local museums or art galleries as I usually go for a weekend with the Richard lll Society, and dine in medieval clothing in Barley Hall.

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