On Jan 17, 2007, at 12:39 PM, Sharon at Collierfam.com wrote:
I was a Tech theatre major, did some costuming, but really got interested five years ago when I got involved in the Renaissance and Dickens Fairs. The costume requirements are quite strict, so I got much more interested in "authentic" costume vs. "theatrical" costume. When I heard about this list last year, I joined. I'd never heard of the Costume Conventions before. One
of the women I recently met is a co-founder (I think) of the Bay Area
Costumers Guild, so I am learning more every day.

So, on the off chance you didn't know, the Greater Bay Area Costumers Guild is having it's open house on January 28 in San Francisco:


andy trembley, Bitchy Design Queen
http://www.irlm.org/  -  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Anybody who takes this seriously deserves to"
  -- Donna Barr

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