At 21:37 08/03/2007, you wrote:
Mine are photographed in: Textiles Revealed Object lessons in historic textile and costume research Edited by Mary M. Brooks "How to Read Historic Textiles" by Katia Johansen. "Figure 6a Hose of yellow Chinese silk damask with a white pattern of swimming ducks; this fabric is the same as the undersleeves of the pink coat (31.a.3). Reproduced by permission of the Royal Danish Collections, Rosenborg Castle. ...The waist has lost its gathering cord so the original waist width is not known. The feet are sewn onto the hose. The cut of the hose is similar to prehistoric Danish archaeological finds (31.L1.d) (figs a.b)." There is a photograph of them in toto, and a pattern of their construction. These are listed as the "Polish costume" of King Fredrik III, inventoried in his wardrobe 1651. There is no mention in the inventory how he used or acquired them, as they are significantly different from the rest of his wardrobe. This collection has rarely been put on display and kept in the dark, so are in a remarkable state of preservation. (paraphrased by me) Same, but different, methinks.

Oh, I have a picture of these I think, in a book on the costumes at Rosenborg Castle, which include the Polish Costume among other things. How interesting.


Kathy Ermine, a lion rampant tail nowed gules charged on the shoulder with a rose Or barbed, seeded, slipped and leaved vert (Fieldless) On a rose Or barbed vert a lion's head erased gules. It’s never too late to be who you might have been. -George Eliot Tosach eólais imchomarc. - Questioning is the beginning of knowledge. I don't know that those are the same pair as the ones in Textile Conservation--do you have a link or a reference for them? Thanks! Melanie __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the

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