At 11:00 14/05/2007, you wrote:
Hi everyone, A friend is throwing a costume party next month and has decided
the theme is 'an Irish wake' so she wants everyone in black or green, so
when the topic of mourning comes up I tend to think Victorian as I already
had plans for a natural form dress I just decided to bump this project to
the top of my list and make it mourning wear. But I'm stuck on headwear, I
have a chiffon scarf that would work OK as a widow's veil. It is a long
thin rectangle so it won't work just draped over my head, but if I attach
the long side to the edge of a hat it should work OK as a veil (I experimented with pinning it to the inside of my sun hat and it came down to about an inch below my shoulders). I have about 1/2 a metre of buckram (though it's not proper millinery buckram) and some wire left over from making the crescent of my 16th century French hood plus some scraps of black velveteen or satin to cover it. I've also got Butterick 4210 which I might be able to adapt, but I don't have money to buy a bonnet and I don't really want to spend much money on this costume (as the only place I can usually wear Victorian stuff is a dance so bonnets/hats aren't really appropriate)

Do you have a thrift shop/charity shop anywhere near, where you could buy a hat, and alter it to suit? I once made a costermonger's hat, like Eliza Doolittle, from a fairground "Kiss me Quick" hat in cardboard felt. I took off the band with KMQ on it, replacing it with some silk ribbon and net, and added a couple of artificial flowers from my stash. It worked really well. You could cover a straw boater, or reblock a felt shape and cover with fabric, and all at very little cost. It does not have to be a bonnet - boaters, and hats in felt or straw of that shape were also worn.


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