> I know a lady that is looking for the painting of a german frau who is 
> wearing triangular shaped pieced bits that make up the different bands on her 
> sleeves?  I am not well versed in German Ren, but I am guessing 1525-50.  Her 
> dress is dark, IIRC with these distictive red and yellow  parts (kinda pennet 
> shaped) sewn together to make the bands on the sleeves and perhaps some on 
> the plasteron. (but I can not trust my memory).  Do you have that piccie?  Is 
> there one of her whole dress?
> This Honorable Lady would like to recreate the dress and wonders if the piece 
> work on banded on the skirt too.

I do actually have that image in my files:) And I can probably find it
again today. It's an unknown girl by Lucas Cranach and she is in a
really dark maroony-wine colour dress. On one sleeve she has some
pearl embroidery outlined in fine gold thread. She's on my "I would
really like to make that one day list, but I have other things first"
list;) I don't think it is full length, but I see no reason to not do
the hem the same way. It would look equally fine without it as well.

> Thanks for your time and effort and your site ROCKS!

Thank you:) It's going to undergo a cosmetic change as well, probably
incorporating my style sheets from my personal costume section but
altered to suit the nature of the topics.

Michaela de Bruce
h-costume mailing list

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